Girls and Boys Town Integrated Biennial Report April 2018 – March 2020

56 Girls & Boys Town South Africa Integrated Biennial Report 2018/2020 INFORMATION Cost chart Hospital Medicines Doctors Eye testing Drug testing Nurse Clothing and uniforms R560pm R6 720pa Monthly and annual cost of a youth at Girls & Boys Town South Africa 2020 R3 400pm R40 800pa R5 280pm R63 360pa R6 680pm R80 160pa R8 005pm R96 060pa R8 565pm R102 780pa R8 765pm R105 180pa Cleaning Electricity Water Municipal fees Telephone Youth-care workers Development managers Social workers Family teachers Evaluators Psychologists Therapists Stationery School clothing Computer training School books Magazines Teachers School fees School transport Drivers Tutors Kitchen staff Youth travel Outings Meals Refreshments Kitchen utensils Programmes and counselling R3 400pm R40 800pa Accom- modation R1 400pm R16 800pa Education and tutoring R1 880pm R22 560pa TOTAL R8 955pm R107 460pa Recreation and cultural R190pm R2 280pa Medical and dental R200pm R2 400pa Food and transport R1 325pm R15 900pa Laundry workers Clothing Shoes Laundry cleaning Videos Sports equipment Pocket money Outings Holiday camp KEY: Programmes and counselling Education and tutoring Accommodation Food and transport Clothing and uniforms Medical and dental Recreation and cultural